A Designer of Arts and Tech
Who am I?
Where am I heading to?
by Mayson Zhu
I've been through a long journey of self-discovery. It all started with my part-time career as a Video Game Blogger in high school. When motion, color and rhythm sync at a right pace, I felt like I was writing a symphony. My passion for Visual Arts took me to Newhouse at Syracuse University. During my years of college, I studied photography, magazine design, virtual reality and various forms of media storytelling. It felt like walking down a zigzagging pathway. While acquiring practical skills in the field of visual storytelling, there is a question that I frequently ask myself: "In which particular field can I put my talent in Visual Arts to the best use?" I realized I am looking for a media that I am passionate about to apply my skills and creativity. From learning and designing Amazon Alexa apps to building 3D models for VR, I have always been a big fan of emerging media platforms. I enjoy the process of learning brand new technology and applying them to the field I am interested in. I would now like to go back to where I started from --- the Video Game Industry. I am looking forward to using my professional skills in Visual Arts and passion in emerging media platforms to bring new perspectives into the field of Game Design. That is where my passion is leading me and the journey continues...